
Learn by Doing

Learn by Doing


Learn by Doing

Located in the heart of a major media and business market, the Hubbard School gives students access to invaluable internship opportunities with industry-leading media outlets, agencies and corporations.

The Value of an Internship

Internships help provide students with hands-on experience to better prepare for the workforce and help stand out among other candidates.

Professor speaks to class

Want to Earn Credit for Your Internship?

You can earn 1 credit by taking CLA 3896: Internship Reflection: Making Meaning of Your Experience. Internship credit does not count for any major requirements but the credit counts toward overall degree credits.  

If you register for CLA 3896, you will be connected with a Hubbard School faculty mentor who can help you with industry-specific questions and goals for your internship. If your internship is unpaid, be sure to apply for the CLA internship scholarship.

How to Find an Internship

  1. Post your resume on Handshake and have internship listings sent to you.

  2. Explore internship and professional development opportunities by joining a Hubbard School student organization, such as Ad Club, NSAC, PRSSA, and SPJ.

  3. Subscribe to the Murphy Weekly, which highlights internship and job postings weekly. Contact Student Services to make sure you're on the list. 

  4. Visit CLA Career Services in 411 Bruininks Hall or attend a career fair. Or make an appointment with Hubbard School Career Coach Becky Borg

  5. Use your personal networks: family, friends, classmates, faculty, advisors, teaching assistants, or neighbors. Find alumni who are eager to help students by using the Maroon and Gold Network

Student in classroom

Exclusive Opportunities for Hubbard School Students

Field-based Practicum Courses

Students in the fall Jour 4196 practicum have a chance to work at one of several news organizations in the Twin Cities, including St. Paul Pioneer Press, the Star Tribune, MinnPost, MPR News and Sahan Journal, where they are assigned beats, sent on assignment and work with editors and reporters to have their work published. The spring practicum sends students into television stations — including FOX-9 News, KARE-11, KSTP and WCCO — as well as the Star Tribune for multimedia assignments.  

HSJMC Signature Summer Internships

The Hubbard School supports targeted internships at news organizations in the Twin Cities covering specific audiences. The 20-hour-a-week internships have been hosted at Sahan Journal and the Minnesota Spokesman Review.

Report for Minnesota

The Hubbard School supports several student internships at local newspapers in Greater Minnesota. The program combines our students' need for experience with the great opportunities available in local newspapers where help is much needed. Find out more by reading the FAQ.

More Beyond the Classroom

Discover opportunities to further enrich your undergraduate experience.

Mentorships Research Study Abroad