Director's Circle
At the Hubbard School of Journalism and Mass Communication, we transform students’ lives. Your support allows us to train the next generation of journalists, strategic communicators, media innovators and entrepreneurs.
What Your Support Means
Director’s Circle members are individuals who give an annual contribution to the School.
By giving to the School, you help students by:
- Helping students participate in national competitions through student group activities
- Offsetting the costs of producing high-quality journalism and strategic communication training
- Supporting high-quality events, research and learning opportunities
- Providing emergency scholarships for students in need
- Enhancing a targeted fund, like the library, a scholarship or other opportunities
How to Join the Director’s Circle
We offer annual recognition at giving levels designed to meet your interests and giving capacity. Those levels include:
- Friend: up to $99
- Patron: $100-$499
- Benefactor: $500-$999
- Partner: $1,000+
Recognition is based on total gifts, pledges and matching gifts contributed to the School in a single fiscal year (July 1-June 30). Couples are recognized for the combined total of their household contributions.
In January of 2023, I applied for 16 jobs and didn’t hear back from any of them. That’s when I applied for the Hubbard School’s emergency funds, and was given the support that I needed exactly when I needed it. That same spring, I was also awarded the Bette Jones Hammel Scholarship. Knowing that someone else is passionate enough about journalism to want to pass along such a generous scholarship to enrich my life as a journalist is so inspiring and my quality of life and schooling has been made better because of it.
Benefits for Donors
Appreciation: Recognition as a donor in the Murphy Reporter, the bi-annual alumni magazine, that is mailed to 10,000 alumni; recognition on the Donor Display on the first floor of Murphy Hall.
VIP visit: An invitation to a VIP building tour and VIP reception prior to the School’s annual Spring Showcase event.
Special Events: Invitations to exclusive donor receptions during periodic fall and spring events, in addition to Hubbard School lectures and events, both on and off campus.
To Learn More
Contact Alex Stern, Office of Institutional Advancement, 220 Johnston Hall, 101 Pleasant St SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455
[email protected], 952-412-2260