
Build Your Network

Build Your Network


Build Your Network

For the last three decades, the Hubbard School alumni board has matched hundreds of students with mentors in journalism, advertising, public relations, media and communication through its Alumni Mentor Program.

With an alumni and supporter base of nearly 10,000 members, the Hubbard School of Journalism & Mass Communication is in a unique position to provide professional assistance to students. 

Mentor Program Over Last Three Years
Matches made
Organizations represented
Hours of mentoring

How Does the Program Work?

Each student is matched with a professional who has a job in a field that is of interest to the student. Mentors don't have to be local; virtual mentorships work well, too!

The mentorship is not an internship, nor is it intended to lead to a job at the mentor’s workplace. It is simply a chance to talk candidly, to learn about life after college, and to begin that transition from college life to the “real world.” Possible Activities:

  • Tour of a mentor’s workplace (if possible)
  • Resume writing assistance
  • Job search planning
  • Portfolio/tape critiquing
  • Networking

Student Application Process

  1. Complete a mandatory 30-minute online information meeting to review the program and outline preferences and expectations. You must complete the info session by September 27 to apply for the mentor program for the 24-25 academic year.
  2. Apply (an application link will be provided to you once you complete the info session). 
  3. Once accepted and matched, students and mentors are strongly encouraged to attend the Mentor Program Kick-Off Meeting in November.

Fall 2024 Online Info Sessions:

Thursday, Sept. 19 at 1 p.m. Register here.
Monday, Sept. 23 at 5:30 p.m. Register here.

Wednesday, Sept. 25 at 10 a.m. Register here.

Interested in Becoming a Mentor?

Each year we match up to 80 students with professionals in the local industry. These relationships lead to networking opportunities for students, and for mentors it's a great way to scout talent. The program only requires one hour per month of your time, November through April. Relationships may last longer than that, though. Mentors don't have to be local; virtual mentorships work well, too!

Things to Keep in Mind

Mentoring doesn’t happen unless you make the time for it.

  • If a meeting needs to be rescheduled, do so quickly. Coordinating your schedule with a student’s may take a few tries.
  • Make sure your schedule allows for you to spend time (at least one hour per month) with a student.

Be candid.

  • Students are counting on you to tell them things they can’t learn in a class. Tell them what you know. Think about what you wish you’d known in college.
  • Tell them advice all students in your field should know.
  • The more insight you can give them, the better!

Give them real world experience.

  • Have them job shadow you for a day. What can you teach them about your profession? What knowledge can they gain from assisting you in a project?
  • Let them learn what the job is really like. If appropriate, have them attend a staff meeting, tag-along to an interview, attend an event or assist on a photo shoot.
  • Review the student’s resume. Think about how you can help them be ready for the job market.

Listen without judgement.

  • Mentoring is about listening without negative judgment and questioning with respect.
  • A mentor is looked upon for wise advice and guidance—give these as often as possible.
  • Treat your mentee with professional respect.
How to Apply
  1. Fill out the interest form any time.
  2. In August or September a member of the Alumni Board or a Hubbard School staff member will reach out to you to learn more about you and gauge your interest. 
  3. If you're matched with a student, you will meet in late October or early November. 

Thank you for your support!

Meet a Mentor Program Pair

Student Mukhtar Ibrahim (B.A. '11) was paired up with mentor Laura Yuen of MPR back in 2009. The pair went on to have a successful match, become colleagues and together report on important issues affecting Minnesota's immigrant community. 

Read more about the match