What is Report for Minnesota?
The Hubbard School will support three student internships at local newspapers in Greater Minnesota. The program combines our students' need for experience with the great opportunities available in local newspapers where help is much needed.
What are the dates?
For Summer 2024, students are expected to be at the location June 3 through Aug. 9. Students should also be available for one week of training in the Twin Cities prior to the internship: May 27-31.
How do I apply?
Fill out this form by Feb. 23, 2024, to be considered for the Summer 2024 program.
What if I am not available the entire time?
Once you are settled at the location, you can work out with your supervisor if you need to take days off for a commitment (for example, someone’s wedding or a family event). However, you are expected to be rooted at the location for the entirety of the program.
How much am I paid?
You will be paid a minimum of $6,000 in salary (if you work the 40 hours a week for 10 weeks) and given a $2,500 in a living stipend.
When/how am I paid for my salary?
Wages will be paid biweekly according to the University’s payroll calendar. You will need to report your hours weekly via the University’s reporting system.
When/how am I paid for my stipend?
Your stipend will be paid in two installments during the internship period.
What kind of things will I be doing at this internship?
This is a reporting internship. You will be covering the news as it arises, from cops to courts to city or county government. You’ll write breaking news, sports (if you wish) and features. You’ll get a chance to do a little bit of everything.
Where are the locations?
Newspapers in Mankato, Brainerd and Willmar.
Will I be able to pick my location?
No, students will not be able to pick their location. Students accepted in the program will be told which location they have been assigned and if they do not wish to take the assignment, a student on the waitlist will be given the spot. This is because we are looking to match students’ experience with the needs of the paper.
How many hours will I work?
40 hours a week. Editors have the option of offering students more hours per week and will compensate students separately for this.
Do I need a car? Will I be compensated for mileage?
You really do need a car to be successful reporting in a rural location. Yes, you will be compensated for mileage.
Why/how does this program exist?
This program exists because it’s a win-win. Our talented students need the best kind of experience possible; outstate newspapers offer that kind of experience. The Hubbard School successfully piloted this program last summer with two students. This program exists because donors (generous people who want to support our students and the field of journalism) and the Hubbard School want to provide students much needed experience and support local newspapers outside of the metro area.
What past interns have to say about Report for Minnesota:
“Since I had the opportunity to pitch my own stories and was assigned stories, I was able to get a really solid idea of what was newsworthy in this community, especially through reading through their past coverage, which was extensive. The variety of stories I got to write was amazing in showing me what interests me most and what kinds of stories I excel at. I am so grateful I got to do this.” – Olivia Stevens, student, The Mankato Free Press
“Being able to learn and gain experience at a small town newspaper was a great opportunity. I wouldn't have felt as confident in my abilities if I had jumped into an internship in the city. I got to cover a lot of different local stories, from government to public safety." – Hannah Ward, student, The Brainerd Dispatch