Research & Centers

Silha Center Events

Upcoming Events

Cowles Auditorium

The 39th Annual Silha Lecture: The Free Speech Recession and How to Reverse It: Five Lessons from History

Past Events

130 Murphy Hall

Balanced Reporting in Divisive Times: "Setting Fire to Reason"

The 38th Annual Silha Lecture, “The Defamation Machine”

Knight Foundation Offices

Silha Center Director and Silha Professor of Media Ethics and Law Jane Kirtley to Participate in "Free Speech at the Crossroads: A Minnesota Dialogue"

Cowles Auditorium, Hubert H. Humphrey Center

37th Annual Silha Lecture: "Inherit the WHAT? Banning Books in 2022"


One in Four: The Ethics of Covering People with Disabilities


36th Annual Silha Lecture: The First Amendment and Diversity: A Marketplace Failure


Retrospective: First Amendment rights and the U.S. Capitol Insurrection


2020 Silha Lecture: Inconvenient Truths and Tiger Kings


2020 Special Webinar: Covering Protests: First Amendment Protections and Responsibilities Afforded Journalists


2020 Silha Center Spring Forum/SPJ Ethics Event: "What the Fact?"

Cowles Auditorium, West Bank Campus

2019 Silha Lecture: "In Defense of Public Trials: Access to Court Proceedings in the Internet Age"

Northrop Mall

2019 Special Event: Minnesota Daily First Amendment Celebration

2019 Silha Center Spring Forum: "Free Press - Fair Trial: The Ethics of Writing Wrongs"

2018 Silha Lecture: "The First Amendment and #MeToo"

2018 Spring Symposium: "The State of our Satirical Union"

2017 Silha Lecture: "Making Media Law Great Again: The First Amendment in the Time of Trump"

2017 Spring Forum: "Making News or Faking News? Ethical Journalism in a Post-Truth Era"

2017 Special Event: Free Speech vs. Free Space

2016 Silha Lecture: "The Politics and Law of the Culture Wars..."

2015 Silha Lecture : "Clear and Present Danger..."

2015 Special Event: Can One Laugh at Everything: Satire and Free Speech After Charlie

2014 Silha Lecture: "See No Evil: Why We Need a New Approach to Government Transparency"

2014 Symposium: "How Far from Near? 50 Years of New York Times v. Sullivan in Minnesota and Beyond"

2013 Silha Lecture: "The Lessons of the Pentagon Papers: Has Obama Learned Them?"

2013 Silha Center Spring Forum

2013 Silha Center Spring Forum: Digital Evidence: Privacy, Acquisition, Proof

2012 Silha Lecture: A Question of Taste: The Ethics and Craft of Restaurant Reviewing

2012 Spring Forum: Focusing on the Ethics of Cameras in the Courtroom

2012 Spring Forum: A Virtual Bill of Rights: Does the Constitution Protect Virtual Speech and Conduct?

2011 Silha Lecture: Free Speech and the Digital Challenge Around the Globe: A Conversation with Mark Stephens

2011 Silha Center Spring Forum: Justice Brennan: Champion of the Free Press

2011 Silha Center Spring Ethics Forum

2010 Silha Lecture: "Not Child's Play: The Misguided Effort to Regulate Violent Video Games"

2010 Co-Sponsored Event: Power and the Press

2010 Spring Ethics Forum: The Propaganda State: The Inordinate Influence of PR on the Press

2010 Special Presentation: Journalist Impairment: Identifying and Managing the Emotional Demands of Life in Journalism

2010 Spring Forum: Criminal Conduct in the Virtual World: Of Avatars and Evidence

2010 Special Event: The Death and Life of American Journalism: The Media Revolution That Will Begin the World Again

2009 Silha Lecture: Unspoken Realities about Investigative Journalism and the Law

2009 SPJ Town Hall Meeting: Fever Pitch: Does Health News Reporting Leave Consumers Out in the Cold?

2009 Spring Forum: Surveillance, Anonymity, and Privacy: Law Enforcement on Your Computer

2008 Special Event: The Curious Love-Hate Relationship Between Media Law and Media Ethics

2008 Fall Forum: The FCC's New Media Ownership Rules: Emotions and Reason in Rulemaking

2008 Silha Lecture: "Raise Your Hand if You're a Journalist: Does Responsible Reporting Need a Legal Defense?"

2008 Special Event: Chicago 10

2008 Co-Sponsored Forum: "Your Credentials, Please: The Media and Law Enforcement at the RNC"

2008 Special Event: Cogi-tations: A Program of the Minnesota Coalition on Government Information

2008 Silha Spring Ethics Forum: Journalism from the Frontlines: Remaining Independent When Covering Politics and War

2008 Spring Forum: New Media, New Standards? Ethics in Online Journalism

2007 Silha Lecture: The Kids Are All Right: Violent Media, Free Expression, and the Drive to Regulate

2007 Spring Forum: When Tragedy Strikes, What is the Media's Role?

2007 Special Event: Digital Privacy is not Anonymity: You Can't Hide from the Data on Your Computer

2007 Special Event: Without Fear or Favor: Objectivity Revisited

2006 Special Event: Judges in J-Schools

2006 Silha Lecture: "The Freedom of the Press v. The National Security"

2006 Spring Forum: The Customer is Always Right? The Assault on Media Impartiality from the Empowered American Consumer

2006 Special Event: Your Email is Not Yours: Government Surveillance and Digital Privacy

2006 Spring Forum on Truth-Telling in Campaign Advertisements

2006 Special Event: The End of Journalism? Why News Still Matters

2005 Silha Lecture: Confidential Sources of Journalists: Protection or Prohibition?

2004 Silha Lecture: High Hopes and Dire Warnings: In Search of a Credo for Today’s Journalist

2003 Silha Lecture: Political Liberty: Campaign Finance and Freedoms of Speech and Association